Meet the Board of Directors


Denise Freeman

2-year term 2025-2026

Hey hey hey! My name is Denise and I have been a runner for 32 years. I started running the summer before my Freshman year in high school with the XC team at Manchester Central High School in NH. I have had ups and downs with my running over the years as my life vacillated through ever changing stages of adulthood. I am currently the ships captain at Fleet Feet and absolutely love the running community. Anything from a 400m track event to 50miles on trail, you will always find me running around. If you see me…say hi!! We will probably be buddies instantly!

Vice President
Angela Anderson

2-year term 2025-2026

Hi FARC club members. I am a decade long runner running anything and everything. Especially enjoy to coach novice runners no matter what distance and ability. I love to give back! For me I’m especially proud to have been able and been chosen to complete the Six Star Majors. It cost me much of rejection, patience but I got “err” done.
As Vice President of the running club, I want to aim to build a strong, supportive, and inclusive community that prioritizes health, fitness, and personal growth while fostering teamwork and a love for running. My role is to ensure to help the board to serve the running community at its best ability with an open mind for suggestions and improvement. The focus is also to increase club membership by implementing outreach programs, collaborating with schools, and assisting in organizing local running events. My goal is to maintain long-term sustainability through strategic partnerships with local businesses, sponsors so that the club has the resources it needs to thrive. The ultimate goal is to assist the FARC president and its board members when needed. Very honored to be selected for this role.


Tracy Lloyd

2-year term 2024-2025

I’m married and have a grown son and daughter. I started running in the summer of 2021 by doing the Couch25K program and ran my first 5k that October. I then trained for a 10k and was hooked! In March 2022, I joined FARC and their new runner training program, which culminated in my completion of the Marine Corps Historic Half. Through FARC, I’ve met amazing people who have challenged, supported, and cheered for me in ways I never thought possible and I’m very grateful to have these running sisters and brothers in my life! I’m excited to be able to give back and serve this running community!

Vic Culp

2-year term 2024-2025

A club co-founder, author of the club constitution and by-laws, second President, and in my third stent as Treasurer.

I was a quarter-miler in high school but spent more time high jumping to skip some of the more severe workouts. In my mid-30s, I decided to run a marathon before I got too old. In 1993, I finished the Marine Corps Marathon and have completed a race of at least marathon distance each year through 2023.

Through those 31 years, I finished 26 consecutive JFK 50 Mile and 85 marathons, including one in each of the 50 states,

I’m not the fastest runner. I haven’t run the most miles. In my younger years, I was always average in my athletic endeavors. I’ve received a lot of participation trophies. Getting slower, finishing Grand Prix races keep me motivated to stay healthy.

I blog about my running adventures and views on life at Slow Old Runner – Thoughts from an Slow Old Runner



2-year director 2024-2025 

I started running in high school and competed in the 100 and 300 meter hurdles. Running has always been an outlet for me and followed me through college and beyond. I ran through all three pregnancies and couldn’t wait to get back to it after their births. Recently, I celebrated my 25 year anniversary calling myself a runner. I absolutely love group runs and encouraging other runners to reach their potential.
I hope to encourage all runners of different abilities to join us on our runs- we’ve got a pretty amazing group!

Brian Morgan

2-year director 2025-2026

I have been a runner ever since my time in the United States Marine Corps and still enjoy running to the cadence of all my favorite songs. The FXBG running community is my family and I love sharing and experiencing everything that our club has to offer. Over the last few years the Coldwell Banker Elite Grand Prix Series has become a huge part of my life. In addition to being a FARC Board Member, I am also the Race Director for the Downtown Mile for CASA and an annual Grand Prix Series Qualifier. I look forward to racing with all of you this year at one or more of our many running events! 

Will Triplett

2-year director 2025-2026

I have been a member of FARC since 2015 when I moved back to the Fredericksburg area for the third and final time for my final tour in the Pentagon.  Originally from Baltimore, I found the area great to settle in for the long haul as we raised our daughter here (off and on) for the past 21 years, and it is close to home and a plethora of relatives that live in the DMV. I am a retired naval officer who now works as a consultant in the pharmaceutical industry.  I really picked up the sport of running while stationed in Everett, Washington and became a member of a running group out there.  So when we moved back to the area, I was happy to find FARC and meet such warm and inviting people who are a pleasure to be around and who share the same passion.  It is my high honor to be your newsletter editor and I hope to keep you informed and entertained as we embark on this new chapter.

Gerry Griffin

1-year director 2025

I grew up in Philadelphia and developed a real passion for running at 38 years old and ran my first marathon (Marine Corps) at 40 years old. I am a retired Marine Corps officer and spent 31 years on active duty and served 15 years as a government civilian at the Pentagon. Earlier in my career, I was a fast runner, but didn’t have a desire to run. All that changed later in my life when I was drawn to a treadmill while on a Navy ship during the Gulf war getting nauseated by the smell of the chow. I have run 40 marathons to date and have achieved the prestige milestone as a “seven-continent” finisher. I am currently working on the majors. I am a race director for two local church races. In my spare time I coach new runners and those wanting to conquer their first marathon- I am not the fastest but can respectfully get to the finish line! My mental therapy is running- so relaxing and being with nature in various locations around the world is priceless! I have been a member of FARC since 2003 after moving to Fredericksburg during my Marine Corps career.


James Kemp

1 year director 2025

Hi my name is James Kemp
I’m a retired United States Marine and as such I’ve been running for many years as part of my duties and being prepared for the Marine Corps physical fitness test. I was primarily focused on weight lifting and conditioning while on active duty. It wasn’t until all the gyms closed down due to the pandemic that I started to embrace long distance running. I really enjoy the running community. I find runners to be a friendly bunch full of positive energy. That’s something I believe the world needs more of. I look forward to seeing you on the road!!😃

EMERITUS Board MemberS

Leslie Kash

The bestest most kindest person ever!



FARC board member 21 years.
High school Visual Arts teacher, Track and Field coach and Cross Country coach. Currently retired, a part time artist, and volunteering with high school alma mater Patrick Henry HS in Roanoke.
Married with two daughters.
Runner career began 1971, through junior high school, high school, independently afterward and currently. I have run hundreds of races and had fastest times in my early thirties. I prefer 10k to Half-Marathon now.