March 2025

From the Editor

Welcome to Spring FARC members!  While the weather has fluctuated a little bit with some cold mornings, we are seeing that warm up during the day, and it sure is nice.  I hope that with the Daylight Savings Time you are enjoying some of your runs in the evening with the sun setting later and that you are being safe if you are running in the early morning (please wear something reflective if you are).

Speaking of swag to wear, did you know that Lucky Road has 50% off of all FARC merchandise?  Additionally, we will also be selling merchandise at the same discount at Grand Prix events.  So come on over to our table and stock/restock up!

This past month, we had our second Grand Prix Race, the Grand Slamrock, another excellent event put on by Arsenal events.  It was great seeing all of you cross that finish line and support your fellow runners.  That’s what it’s all about! I also want to congratulate members who traveled to Virginia Beach for Shamrock.  Well done!

This month, I have included a lot of upcoming events and a volunteer opportunity.  With the turn to April, you will notice that we have not one (1) but two (2) Grand Prix races along with the Great Train Race being a little over a month away.  Additionally, I want to remind you that scholarship applications are due in April, so please pay attention to the due date.    

Finally, we continue our series of Vic’s favorite out of area races with a nice feature article about Spring running. 

Stay safe FARC members and see you on April 5th!  

Will Triplett


Saturday Fun Runs start at 8 a.m.  The group meets on the corner of William and Princess Anne St. Choose to run 6 or 3 miles. All abilities are welcome. We have fast runners, run/walkers, and everything in between. Arrive a bit early to get in on the pre-run photo and meet the group.


Our next monthly Social Run will be on April 9th.  The run will start at Red Dragon Brewery located at 1419 Princess Anne Street in Fredericksburg at 6 p.m. Light snacks will be provided.


Our next board meeting will be on April 17th at 7p.m. The board meetings are held at the Courtyard by Marriott Downtown. All members are welcome to attend. Please RSVP to so we can ensure sufficient space is available.


As you can see, your fellow FARC members were getting those miles and races in as we closed out Winter and welcomed Spring.  Photos courtesy of FARC.

FARC in the park is back!

Registration is now open. Members and non-members are welcome to join. Kids will have a chance to run the bases so bring the whole family!  Cost is $20 for FARC members and $41 for non-members.

The Great Train Race is returning on May 4th. The race is for runners 17 and under and offers multiple distances for all ability levels. Come out for a day of family fun of running, food, and games. The race runs through historic downtown Fredericksburg. The race supports Loisann’s Hope House. Register here:
The race is hosted by our club and is directed by our former president Brian Pessolano. The race needs over a 100 volunteers to ensure the kids have a great time and stay safe. Please take a look at the available volunteer positions here:

Annual Fallen Heroes 5 Miler Moves to James Monroe High School!

Get ready to run one of the most sought-after races in downtown Fredericksburg! The Annual Fallen Heroes 5 Miler is set for July 4th, and we couldn’t be more excited to welcome runners to our new location at James Monroe High School.

With the sale of the Fredericksburg Visitor Center building, the Fredericksburg Fallen Heroes worked closely with the Fredericksburg Area Running Club to secure a new, convenient, and desirable race route. A huge thanks to Vic Culp for his expertise in mapping out the perfect course! We’re thrilled to share that the city has officially approved the route, and we are ready to hit the streets of Fredericksburg.

This move brings new opportunities to support our Veterans and First Responders, with the race proceeds going toward our mission. We can’t wait to see you at the starting line—let’s make this year’s race the best one yet!

See you on July 4th! 

Downtown Mile for CASA

Registration opens March 29th for the 2025 Downtown Mile for CASA. We’d love to see you at the fastest race in the Coldwell Banker Elite Grand Prix Series. Save 10% by registering before April 5th.

Applications for the 2025 Victor I. Culp and John Robbins scholarships are now available. These scholarships will be given to a club member who is graduating from High School in 2025, attending college in the fall of 2025 and is a participant in track or cross-country.  While both scholarships ask for community service that will be considered more favorably for the John Robbins scholarship.  Of note, applicants will only be able to win one of the scholarships.  For an application email Vic.

50th Marine Corps Marathon

FARC has received 15 bibs for the 50th Marine Corps Marathon for pre-sale to club members. The race is on October 26, 2025.
MCM is opening registration to the general public on April 7. The field is limited to 30,000 runners, and over 10,000 registrations have been received by MCM Runner Club members (those who have finished at least 5).
Registration on April 7 will be online with no lottery.
As a FARC club member, you can go ahead and request one of our 15 bibs as follows.
1. Send an email to with the subject Marine Corps Marathon Bib Request
2. We’ll verify you were a FARC member as of March 21, 2025, and send an invoice for $235.20.
3. You must make payment within 7 days by card, PayPal, or EFT. There will be no additional fee for online payment.
4. We will submit the information to the MCM Office in early August.
If we get more than 15 requests, we’ll maintain a waitlist in case of nonpayment. Requests will be processed in the order received.
NOTE:  No federal or Marine Corps endorsement is or should be implied

Historic Half Volunteers Needed


Help FARC manage an exciting, (and busy) beer garden on Sunday, May 18th, 2025 from 0500-1030 in the Wegmans parking lot.  Duties include verifying proper “beer tickets” from runners, crowd management, and possibly pouring and distributing drinks. Must be 21 or older and have strong attention to detail. To volunteer click the link below and use the password:

Volunteer Link:  Link:

Password:  FARC2025 

Crater Lake Marathon


Vic Culp

I ran this marathon in August 2003. There are no results on their website for 2024. However, their registration page invites runners to the 48th running on August 9, 2025. The URL to their site is In addition to the marathon, they have a half-marathon and a 6.7-mile run.

This race is on National Park Service land, and permitting may be complicated. They have not received their permits for2025 and will not open registration until they receive them. They are hoping to open registration on April 1. There is a 500-person limit on the event, and they usually don’t reach their limit.

Crater Lake formed around 7700 years ago with the collapse of a volcano forming a deep caldera. Because of the significant annual snowfall in the Cascades, the caldera filled with water with a depth of over 1900 feet. The lake has no inlets or outlets.

The average annual snowfall in the area is 463 inches, the highest recorded in 1950 being 889 inches. When I was there in August 2003, snow was still on the ground in areas of northern exposure. The average August temperature is 55 degrees, which can make for a good summer marathon.

The elevation of the lake rim varies between 7000 and 8000 feet. The park road outside the rim varies in elevation between 5980 and 7850 feet.

I flew into Medford, Oregon, about a two-hour drive to Crater Lake. There are no direct flights from Washington, DC to Medford,

There are many lodging options near Crater Lake. You can stay at the main lodge or camp in the park. I stayed in a nearby cabin resort off-property that had kitchen facilities. Racemorning was an easy drive to the parking lot.

Since this is a National Park, there is an access fee, not one for parking. The races had a 9 am start time, so getting there was not an issue.

After registration, my bib and race shirt were mailed to me. Bib numbers were assigned in the order of registration date.

None of the races started or finished at the park lodge. We were required to take a bus to the start. The bus’s round trip time between the lodge and the start line was about 20 minutes. They had one bus that needed to take three loads. The lowest bib numbers were allowed to take the last bus, a perk for registering early.

The lake is not an exact circle. It is six miles across at the widest and five miles at other points. A 5.5-mile diameter would create a 17.27-mile circumference. The road circling the lake,winding around the reetrants and spurs, is more than 26 miles long. The road is paved with little shade.

Being that the park does not want to impact tourists, the race started west of the lodge and finished east of the lodge. Those two convenient points are only 22 miles apart on the road. To make up the needed four extra miles, we ran past the finish line and were directed to a dirt road, running a 1000-foot climb over two miles. The good news is the last two miles came back down that hill.

About 2500 feet of climbing are in the loop, and most of the race is above 7000 feet. As usual, in the first mile, I thought I was going to die from lack of oxygen. However, bodies get used to conditions and figure out how to quickly adapt.

The shorter races started at the appropriate locations on the rim road and finished without the final twomile uphill.

This race is an excellent choice if you are looking for an August marathon without crowds in a good scenic climate.


Vic Culp is a co-founder of the Fredericksburg Area Running Club in 1994. He has managed a few races and ran a few more.

You can follow his blog at and subscribe to receive notification emails from that site.

Check out his book “Go for 25” on Amazon at



Everything you need to step up your training this spring

From tactics to essential bits of kit – including the perfect headphones for running: the new Huawei FreeArc

By Rachel DenchPublished: 24 February 2025

With the worst of the weather (hopefully) behind us, spring is the perfect time to kick-start your training regime. Whether you’ve signed up for a half-marathon, or you’re focused on hitting your daily steps goal, here are four tips from running coach and personal trainer Rachel Dench that will make it easier and more enjoyable.


Start slow

Returning from an injury or a break in activity over the winter, or taking up running for the first time? Then the best way to start is gradually. While it may be tempting to aim high on mileage, speed or just time on feet, your body will thank you for building a solid aerobic base and developing your endurance. Start short. Start slow. As your fitness improves, you can bring in more volume and intensity, be that speed intervals or a brisker pace.

Focus on cadence

One of the simplest and best things to focus on to improve your running is cadence, measured (by any decent fitness tracker) as the number of steps taken per minute (SPM). To improve yours, find a playlist that follows a specific number of beats per minute (BPM), and try to hit the beat with your steps. For an easy jog, playlists of 120 BPM should do the trick, while 150-180 BPM are better for those speedier sessions. This goes for walking too – increasing your cadence can turn those dog walks into workouts.

Pro tip: with the Huawei FreeArc earbuds, you can enjoy your favourite motivational playlists (or podcasts, if they’re more your thing) while remaining fully connected to your surroundings. Unlike traditional in-ear buds, the Huawei FreeArc has a unique design that sits on the outer ear comfortably and securely. Open-ear technology allows you to still hear what’s going on around you, meaning you’ll stay aware of pedestrians and traffic without compromising your audio experience. You can control your playlists with intuitive gestures, and when you need to pick up a call, the innovative design minimises wind noise for clear conversations. It doesn’t hurt that they’re stylish too.

Track it

No, not the race track. This is all about logging your daily activity. Writing down (either in a book or on an app on your phone) the time and distance that you’ve achieved is a great way to stay on track and to measure your progress. On those days when your legs are heavy or the kids have kept you up all night, looking over your log and seeing how far you’ve come will be excellent inspiration to get outside and keep your fitness streak going.

Dress for success

Firstly, if you’re returning to running after some time off, make sure your trainers are in good nick. If the outsoles look worn out, it’s probably worth investing in a new pair. As for the rest of your kit, the general advice is to dress as if it’s five to 10 degrees warmer than the actual temperature. Throughout spring, the weather is likely to be changing and unpredictable, so be sure to layer up. A lightweight rain jacket over a moisture-wicking base layer (either a short or long-sleeved T-shirt) is always a good bet.

Make sure that any wearables are sweat- and waterproof, including your earbuds. The Huawei FreeArc are dust- and water-resistant to the IP57 standard – a first for the brand – meaning you can wear them in the rain without worry. They’re also extremely comfortable for short and long runs, thanks to their ergonomic design, and last for up to seven hours (the case holds up to 28 hours’ charge, and 10 minutes is enough to power the earbuds for three hours of non-stop listening).


Stafford Hospital Spring Fever 5K:  April 5th – Register
Heppe Chiropractic 15K: April 26th – Register
SPCA Rescue Run 5K: June 8th – Register
Fallen Heroes 5 Miler: July 4th – Register
Devil’s Den 10 Miler: August 17th – Register
Downtown Mile: September 6th 
10K Run Thru History: October 12th – Register
FredNats Salute to Veterans 5K: November 9th – Register
Blue and Gray Half: December 7th
Frosty 5K: December 13th

2025 Current Standings

Thank you to our amazing sponsors